Month: March 2021

Neurotransmitters Part 2: Dopamine

This post is a little bit longer today.  There is so much more I would like to tell you about Dopamine, but I don’t want to make this post so long that you lose interest. I hope you enjoy learning and if you have questions, please reach out and...
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Neurotransmitters Part 1: Serotonin

Neurotransmitters: There are about 100 identified neurotransmitters we are aware of.  It is a very complex system.  I am going to discuss a few of the main neurotransmitters that are important when we address various mental illnesses.  When I talk about the specific mental illnesses, you don’t have to...
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People have been asking me more questions about the purpose of my blog.  I would like to answer these questions and remind the readers about what is coming from this blog.  First, I am excited to talk about mental illness in more depth.  There is so much to learn...
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The Decade of the Brain and Neurobiology

The 1990’s were known as the “Decade of the Brain.” As we all know, the brain is a very complex organ, and in the past 20 + years we have made huge strides in understanding parts that we never understood before.  George W. Bush declared the 1990’s the Decade...
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