Purpose: February 27, 2021


Hello All,

Welcome to my blog about mental health topics and the Church! I believe that mental illness and faith are not separate.  We are whole people and we are made up of body, soul and mind.  After God created humans, He declared it “very good.” (Genesis 1:31). He created human beings in his own image.

The purpose of this blog is to explain how the brain is affected when there is health versus illness for various mental illness.  This is not going to be a complex lesson in neurobiology, but rather, it will be in language we can all understand.  I want to talk about how the church has responded to mental illnesses in the past and present, and discuss how I believe we should respond. I will talk about what scripture says about these topics.

Unfortunately, as a result of a fallen world, we have illness- mental and physical.  Maybe you have diabetes, heart disease, thyroid issues, or high blood pressure.  Just like these, I want to show you how mental illnesses like those listed below are not due to a moral failing, rather, they are similar to the diseases I just mentioned.

Some of the topics we will discuss include:

  • Depression and anxiety
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Schizophrenia,
  • Reactive Attachment Disorder
  • Trauma
  • Suicide
  • Addiction
  • And many, many more

I am certainly not an expert at everything related to mental health and the church.  I want to post videos and interviews as well as my own thoughts. So, stay tuned…
