Tag: brain

Treatment for Depression: Medication

Medication for Depression There are many options for medications in order to treat depression.  A positive aspect of antidepressants is they often treat anxiety as well, and many people have anxiety and depression combined.  Although there are many classes of medications for depression, I will focus on three different...
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Anxiety Part 2: Anxiety and the Amygdala

More Neurobiology Related to Anxiety and Fear The Limbic System The Limbic System is made up several parts of the brain and these parts contribute to our emotional and behavioral responses.  The Limbic System includes, the hippocampus, amygdala, hypothalamus, and the thalamus. (Yep, they’re really hard to pronounce). The...
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The Brain

Sorry I haven’t posted much lately. I had some technical difficulties with my site and had to get some help figuring it out. Anyway, it’s time to go onto the brain! This is the really cool part. The brain is a MIND BLOWING (yes, pun intended) organ that is...
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