Tag: mental health

Mindfulness and Other Healthy Practices

Mindfulness Mindfulness is used in Western culture to mean that one is present in the moment.  This is supported by the scripture, “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” (Matthew 6:34). He is asking us only...
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Suicide Awareness

Suicide Awareness This is a very important post. Suicide is a huge public health crisis. I work with adults and adolescents who are suffering from depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, and substance abuse. Everyday I work hard to help people see hope when they don’t feel they have any. This week...
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The Neurobiology of Depression

Depression and the Brain Unlike an open wound or a cast on a broken leg, we cannot actually see that someone has hypertension (high blood pressure), diabetes, or depression.  We only know we have these illness because of the effects it has on our bodies.  They refer to hypertension...
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Anxiety Part 2: Anxiety and the Amygdala

More Neurobiology Related to Anxiety and Fear The Limbic System The Limbic System is made up several parts of the brain and these parts contribute to our emotional and behavioral responses.  The Limbic System includes, the hippocampus, amygdala, hypothalamus, and the thalamus. (Yep, they’re really hard to pronounce). The...
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Part 1 Anxiety: Worry Versus Anxiety

The Next Stage… I’m really excited about this next stage of this blog. We’re going to look at different mental illnesses and talk about not only the physiological components of each condition, but also what do people go through and what scripture shows. For those of you who don’t...
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NAMI Walk for Mental Health

Hello everyone, I’m not much of a fundraiser but of all the causes close to my heart, this one is with a team from the Oregon State Hospital.  Here is my fundraising page in case you would like to donate.  Please don’t feel obligated, but it’s here in case...
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People have been asking me more questions about the purpose of my blog.  I would like to answer these questions and remind the readers about what is coming from this blog.  First, I am excited to talk about mental illness in more depth.  There is so much to learn...
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